
The Mirror of Beauty 1.4 Download

Seeds: 120 Peers: 99

Category: Multimedia|Graphic|Digital Photo Tools
Developer: Universal Hedonics
Size: 13 Mb

Features: Foundation: Adjust foundation color and amount Lipstick: Adjust lipstick color and amount Make flat or glossy Lip liner: Adjust line liner color and amount Eye shadow: Adjust shadow color Add above, below, or to side of eyes face Eye liner: Adjust liner color Adjust pencil size and thickness Brow mascara: Adjust mascara color Adjust mascara thickness Bee-stung lips: Increase size of top and bottom lips DeAge: Go back in time by amount you set Warp to model: Change the structure of your face to that of a model Make painting: Make a painting of your Botox: Smooth out wrinkles on brow, around eyes, or around mouth Nose job: Reduce the length or the width of your nose Blush: Adjust blush color Adjust blush area and thickness Glitter: Adjust amount and color of glitter Hair style: Choose from short, medium, and long styles and change hair color Feminize: Automatically make your face look more feminine Automakeover: Get a new look with a single click with or without a new hairdo Accesories: Add flowers, hats, tiaras, and headresses to your look

Torrent Size: 13 mb
Files: 2
Info Hash: 296931503b76c13990b5492a73295fa13a63899a

Review: Have you ever wondered how the new haircut will look for you or a new hair color go with your eyes? To see all this and more, you can use applications mirror beauty. The Mirror of Beauty reform software, which offers a number of useful features that will help you see the effects of a complete makeover before, go ahead and implement real change. It is very easy to use because of the main window, you will see all the features of the program that do not have hidden menus. Then you can get a makeover, changing the shape of your face. You can also make small or large improvements in the nose, lips, eyes and eyebrows, including changing the environment and its size. Clean several years on your face, you can choose to use the de-aging or the option of Botox. Have you ever wondered how you would look with fuller lips? If you did you can now try out the instruments Bee tormented. If you are happy with how your face look, you can easily start applying makeup. Each choice of make-up offers a wide color palette. With beauty mirror is very easy to apply lipstick or foundation, or to add lip liner, eye shadow, mascara or blush brown. The Hair Style Change option allows you to set your hair length, color or style. You will find some nice presets for haircuts list. If you do not want to change yourself, you can choose one of the pre profiles available in the application. You can try the natural look of the day or night look or beach look gothic and also future looks. After his retirement is complete, you can add a cool accessory items such as flowers, headbands and hats or play a bit of glitter. In total, The Mirror of Beauty is an interesting program that will help you change or improve their appearance, with many useful tools.

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