
CoolNovo (formerly ChromePlus) (by saturnas92)

Seeds: 136 Peers: 50

Category: Internet|Browsers
Developer: Maple Studio
Size: 52 Mb

Features: Privacy protection: When the browser closed, the selected browsing data would be cleared automatically(not selected by default). You can go to OptionsàPrivacy DataàPrivacy Plus to setup. Mouse gestures: You can make efficient commands with easy mouse gestures. Practiced mouse gestures can save you quite a lot of time and are fun. IE tab: Some web pages use IE controls and thus can only run in IE correctly. The IE tab is designed to visit these pages. Adblock: With the bulid-in Adblock, CoolNovo can prevent the display of ads. Especially, the Adblock of CoolNovo supports the rules of the world famous Adblock Plus' rule and thus make use of the existing blocking-list of Adblock Plus. Super drag: Dragging and dropping a block of text in the page will create a page and search the text with your default search engine. You can also drag the links and pictures to open them in the newtab page. Download Tools Support: For your convenience, CoolNovo supports some popular download tools in the context menu of web pages. There’re more than 10 kinds of downloading tool supported including NetAnts, Orbit, QQ Xuanfeng, IS, FlashGet3, FlashGetMini, NetX, WebThunder, Xunlei, and so on. Bottom toolbar: A new feature of CoolNovo, there're some common-used features on the Bottom toolbar, very convenient and useful.

Torrent Size: 52 mb
Files: 2
Info Hash: 038dca3a612f45c53201d69af47704b58a708ae5

Review: Formerly known as ChromePlus, CoolNovo is an improved version of Chrome, which combines features of an additional very welcome, such as mouse gestures, super drag and better download manager. Simple installation procedure takes as a guide, a kind of tutorial that guides the special abilities CoolNovo. The explanations are accompanied by pictures, so you can easily identify the functions later. In fact, CoolNovo do sport some excellent features. For example, you can switch to Internet Explorer when you have access to websites that do not support Chrome, restore closed tabs with the click of a button in the toolbar and save the configuration data to serweróww cloud to synchronize it with others computers. Futhermore, CoolNovo comes with mouse gestures (eg scrolling up and down, open the next or previous tab, move to delay forward, reload and all the letters, stop loading a new page) Super drag (drag and bottom open), supported tools download from the context menu, better marked, and the ability to double-click or right-click in the tab to close. In addition, you can set tabs, mouse gestures, the bookmarks toolbar, downloads personal data, settings, IE Tab, AdBlock and accelerator Options section of the application. CoolNovo is very fast, and uses less system resources than Chrome does not. Change IE is very simple, and mouse gestures are practical, but you need some time to get used to them. In conclusion, CoolNovo is an improved version of Chrome that makes browsingeasier and more comfortable. By providing all the above mentioned features, right? And it's safe to say that CoolNovo represents serious competition for Google? Thats.

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