
Dupe Eliminator for iTunes 14.1 Download

Seeds: 141 Peers: 95

Category: Multimedia|Audio|Other AUDIO Tools
Developer: Markelsoft
Size: 52 Mb

Features: Smart Search: Smart searching allows you to precisely specify criteria for duplicates so that you never end up deleting something you wanted to save. AutoClean Mode: Automatically clean your iTunes library without lifting so much as a finger. Scheduled Search: Define a schedule for Dupe Eliminator to check your iTunes library when your at work, sleeping... whenever you want. Audiobook Support: Eliminate your audiobook dupes. Dead Tracks Eliminator: Get rid of those pesky tracks that never seem to play, as well as the "phantom" tracks that show up in your library but don't actually exist on your hard drive Untitled] Determine what you want to keep: Like having more than one track of a certain song? You can keep whatever you like, and you can specify which file stays as the original and which one is marked as the duplicate. UnDelete: If you make a mistake, then use UnDelete to restore the removed track(s) back to iTunes.

Torrent Size: 52 mb
Files: 2
Info Hash: fa5a3efdb3013a7c4f795b30dfb6cb708ae80fd3


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